All orders are processed within 1-2 days upon receipt, however delivery times may vary based on the destination of the delivery. In most instances, all orders are processed and shipped within the same day, therefore there is no way to cancel an order once it has been submitted. Please order carefully.
Customers are responsible for all shipping charges unless otherwise specified. Shipping rates are determined at checkout and based on standard shipping fees. Custom fees may apply. Once your order has shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation and a tracking number via email from our carrier. While all orders are shipped as discreetly as possible, due to customs regulations, we may be obliged to indicate the nature of the parcel for any order shipped outside of Canada.
Customers are responsible to verify and inspect the contents of their order upon receipt. Should there be any damages or discrepancies, please notify us within 10 days of receiving your goods. For items damaged in transit, please retain the original shipping box as we may need it to file a report with our carrier.
Due to the intimate nature of our products, we do not accept returns. We prioritize the health and safety of our customers, and for this reason, we are unable to resell items that have been previously handled. We encourage our customers to thoroughly review product descriptions and specifications before making a purchase. If you have any questions or concerns regarding a product, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at
Please note that pricing on all products is subject to change without prior notice. Additionally, we do not offer refunds or credits for any price adjustments that may occur after an order has been placed. We encourage our customers to review their orders carefully before submitting them to ensure accuracy. Should you have any questions or concerns about pricing or your order, please feel free to contact our customer service team for assistance.